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Pre-embedded Baseplate Elastic Adjustable Fastening Systems Manufacturer

In 2024, Anyang Railway Equipment Co., Ltd. provided 54,564 pcs of Type I T-bolts, 54,564 pcs of Type I gauge baffles, 54,564 pcs of Type I cap nuts and 54,564 pcs of Type I elastic rail clips to China Railway Wuhan Bureau Group Co., Ltd.

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The elastic integral track bed is a new type of ballastless track infrastructure. It is mainly composed of C40 reinforced concrete track bed, rubber boots and rubber pads under the blocks, support blocks, elastic strip-type adjustable fasteners, rails, etc. It has great impact on construction accuracy and construction The quality requirements are high, its elasticity is equivalent to that of ballasted track, and it has the characteristics of little or no maintenance; the track status and geometric shape can be maintained for a long time, which improves the safety of train operation; Features: the track status and geometric shape can be long-lasting Maintain and improve the safety of train operation; the uniformity of track stiffness is good, adapting to the requirements of high-speed operation comfort and track smoothness.

In 2024, Anyang Railway Equipment Co., Ltd. provided 54,564 pcs of Type I T-bolts, 54,564 pcs of Type I gauge baffles, 54,564 pcs of Type I cap nuts and 54,564 pcs of Type I elastic rail clips to China Railway Wuhan Bureau Group Co., Ltd., followed the technical requirements of pre-embedded baseplate elastic adjustable fastening systems shown in the drawing of 1st line (10) 3025A.

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