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Synthetic Resin Sleepers and Fastening Systems Supplier for Dongguan Rail Transit Line 1

In 2022, Anyang Railway Equipment Co., Ltd. supplied 150 m3 of synthetic resin sleepers and 107,096 sets of DZⅢ-1 fastening systems to Dongguan Rail Transit Line 1.

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Dongguan Rail Transit Line 1 is a subway line built after Dongguan Rail Transit Line 2. The line started construction in 2019 and is expected to open to traffic in 2024. The line has a total of 40 stations, and will connect the Guangzhou Metro and Shenzhen Metro networks by then.

The first phase project of Line 1 is one of the backbone lines of the urban rail transit network in Dongguan City. The line starts from Wanghong Station (Dongguan West Station) and ends at Huangjiang Central Station. The line is 57.44km long and has 21 stations. There is 1 depot, 1 parking lot, 4 main substations, and 1 line network co-construction control center (completed). Dongguan Rail Transit Line 1 is the longest of the Dongguan Metro lines. According to reports, Line 1 has the following engineering features:

(1)It adopts the urban rail transit maximum design speed of 120km/h express line technology and comprehensive supporting technology.

(2) It adopts fully automatic operation technology.

(3) It connects the three places with one line.

(4) Super long lines.

(5) It carries out the concept of TOD and TID.

(6) It adopts the PPP investment and financing model.

In 2022, Anyang Railway Equipment Co., Ltd. supplied 150 m3 of synthetic resin sleepers and 107,096 sets of DZⅢ-1 fastening systems to Dongguan Rail Transit Line 1.

Synthetic resin sleepers are made of foamed polyurethane molded sleepers reinforced with glass long fibers, and the technical requirements and appearance requirements are in accordance with CJJ/T399 “Polyurethane Foam Synthetic Sleepers”.

The DZⅢ-1 type fastener is composed of an elastic backing plate, an elastic backing plate under the plate, anchor bolts, double-layer spring washers, distance-adjusting buckle plates, bolt sleeves and height-adjusting backing plates. The longitudinal resistance of the rail at each node of the DZⅢ-1 type fastener is not less than 11.5kN, and the longitudinal resistance of the rail at each node of the WJ-2A type fastener is not less than 7.5KN. The fatigue performance of fasteners shall be tested according to EN 13146-4. After 3 million load cycles, the parts shall not be damaged, and the gauge expansion shall be less than 6mm. The following requirements should be met:

(1) Buckle pressure change: ≤20%;

(2) Rail longitudinal resistance change: ≤20%;

(3) Static stiffness change of joints: ≤20%.

(4) The insulation resistance of fastener nodes should not be less than 10 8Ω.

(5) After the fasteners are subjected to the 240h salt spray test specified in EN 13146-6, they can be disassembled smoothly with manual disassembly tools, and the parts of the fasteners should not be damaged in any way.

(6) The pullout resistance of the embedded casing should not be less than 100kN. After the test, there are no visible cracks around the embedded casing, but a small amount of mortar peeling is allowed near the embedded casing.

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