Nanchang-Jingdezhen-Huangshan High-speed Railway Bridge Steel Railings Manufacturer from China
In 2022, Anyang Railway Equipment Co., Ltd. provided railway bridge steel railings (including steel baffles, lugs (roads and railways across county roads and above), etc to Changjinghuang high-speed railway.
Changjinghuang High-speed Railway, is the Nanchang-Jingdezhen-Huangshan section of the Hang-Chang high-speed railway. The Changjinghuang high-speed railway started construction on December 25, 2018, and is expected to be completed and opened to traffic in September 2023.
The Changjinghuang high-speed railway runs from Nanchang East Station to Huangshan North Station, with a total length of 289.807 km(200.276 km in Jiangxi section and 89.531 km in Anhui section), with 10 stations and a design speed of 350 km/h. The railway is an important channel connecting Jiangxi and Anhui provinces. After it is completed and opened to traffic in 2023, it will realize “zero” breakthrough on the high-speed rail connections between Jingdezhen City in Jiangxi Province, Yugan County and Poyang County in Shangrao City, and Qimen County and Yi County in Huangshan City.
In 2022, Anyang Railway Equipment Co., Ltd. provided railway bridge steel railings (including steel baffles, lugs (roads and railways across county roads and above), etc to Changjinghuang high-speed railway.