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Railroad Joint Bars, High-Strength Joint Bolts, Washers, Track Fastening System for Rizhao Lanshan Shugang Railway

From 2021 to 2022, Anyang Railway Equipment Co., Ltd. will provide a large number of railroad joint bars, joint bolts, high-strength joint bolts, elastic washers, frozen joint bars, and track fastening systems for wheel guard rail to the newly built Rizhao Lanshan Shugang Railway for 50kg/ m and 60kg/m rail,

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The newly built Rizhao Lanshan Shugang Railway is drawn from the newly built Gaoxing Line of the Washi Railway, passing through Gaoxing Town and Jufeng Town in Lanshan District, Taoluo Town in Donggang District and Hushan Town in Lanshan District. The construction standard is electric traction, single-track, freight railway. The whole line has Gaoxing Line Station, Huaigu Station, Xiayuan Station (reserved), Shangang Station and Lanshan Port Station. The total length of the line is 37.88 kilometers, and the total length of the main line is 33.3 km. The investment is estimated to be 2.599 billion YUAN.

The design speed of the newly built Rizhao Lanshan Shugang Railway: 80km/h; the number of main lines: single line; (minimum curve radius: 600m for general sections, 400m for difficult sections; limited slope: 6‰; electric traction, traction mass 5000 tons, locomotive type HXD series; the effective length of the arrival and departure line: 1050m; the automatic station is blocked, and the total construction period of the new Rizhao Lanshan Shugang Railway is 24 months.

From 2021 to 2022, Anyang Railway Equipment Co., Ltd. will provide a large number of railroad joint bars, joint bolts, high-strength joint bolts, elastic washers, frozen joint bars, and track fastening systems for wheel guard rail to the newly built Rizhao Lanshan Shugang Railway for 50kg/ m and 60kg/m rail, the details are as follows:

Product Specification Standard/Drawing Unit Quantity
Rail joint bar 50kg/m TB/T2345-2008 Pcs 853
Rail joint bar 60kg/m TB/T2345-2008 Pcs 9206
Joint bolts with cap 50kg/m TB/T2347-1993 Set 2582
High-strength joint bolts with cap 60kg/m TB/T2347-1993 Set 27875
Spring washer 50kg/m TB/T2347-1993 Pcs 2608
Spring washer 60kg/m TB/T2347-1993 Pcs 28138
Rail joint bar 50kg/m

(for spare)

TB/T2345-2008 Pcs 2
Rail joint bar 60kg/m(for spare) TB/T2345-2008 Pcs 84
Joint bolts with cap 50kg/m(for spare) TB/T2347-1993 Set 2
High-strength joint bolts with cap 60kg(for spare) TB/T2347-1993 Set 68
Spring washer 50kg/m(for spare) TB/T2347-1993 Pcs 2
Spring washer 60kg/m(for spare) TB/T2347-1993 Pcs 68
Frozen rail joint bar Including 2 pcs of joint bars, 6 pcs of  high-strength bolts with caps, and 6 pcs of spring washers Special line 3469-Ⅳ Pcs 36
Fastening system for wheel guar rail 60kg/m flat washer 25×50×6 Special line  3448 Pcs 140956
Fastening system for wheel guar rail 60kg/m flat washer 25×45×4 Special line  3448 Pcs 2227
Fastening system for wheel guar rail 60kg/m screw spike with nut M24×195 Special line  3448 Set 142448
Fastening system for wheel guar rail 60kg/m spring washer (double coil)26×44×9 Special line  3448 Pcs 143870
Fastening system for wheel guar rail 60kg/m rubber pad under rail(for wheel guar rail) Special line  3448 Pcs 69094
Fastening system for wheel guar rail 60kg/m rubber pad under rail(for spindles of wheel guar rail) Special line  3448 Pcs 2885
Fastening system for wheel guar rail 60kg/m intermediate gusset Special line  3448 Pcs 128159
Fastening system for wheel guar rail 60kg/m joint gusset Special line  3448 Pcs 13090
Fastening system for wheel guar rail 50kg/m intermediate gusset Special line  3448 Pcs 218
Fastening system for wheel guar rail 50kg/m joint gusset Special line  3448 Pcs 16


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