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DZIII and CZI Fastener Systems Supplier for Chengdu Rail Transit Line 30

In 2022, Anyang Railway Equipment Co., Ltd. supplied DZIII and CZI fastener systems to the first phase project of Chengdu Rail Transit Line 30.

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In 2022, Anyang Railway Equipment Co., Ltd. supplied DZIII and CZI fastener systems to the first phase project of Chengdu Rail Transit Line 30.

1) Gauge: 1435mm.

2) Vehicle: Type B, axle load ≤ 15t, catenary AC power supply, maximum operating speed 80km/h.

3) Rail type: 60N profile, U75V hot-rolled steel rails are used for the main line, distribution line, access line and test run line, and heat-treated steel rail is used for the curve section with R≤500m; 50kg/m, U71Mn hot-rolled steel rail is used for the field line.

4) Fasteners: DZIII type fasteners are used for the overall ballast bed of the main line, distribution line, access line and test line; CZI type fasteners are used for the overall ballast bed of the Gaobeiba depot, and elastic bar type II is used for the 60kg/m ballasted track section Fasteners, 50kg/m rail ballasted track section adopts elastic strip I-type fasteners.

After the normal standard installation of double-layer non-linear damping fasteners is completed, the fasteners are required to be suitable for long sleepers and meet the technical conditions of 1435mm standard gauge. The technical conditions are in line with “Rail Part 1: 43kg/m~75kg/m Rail” (TB/T 2344.1) And “Rail Part 3: Shaped Rail” (TB/T 2344.3) requirements.

60kg/m rail and 50kg/m rail joint clamps comply with TB/T2345 “43kg/m~75kg/m rail joint splint order technical conditions”. Rail joint connecting bolts and nuts, the type and size of 60kg/m and 50kg/m rail joint bolts and nuts conform to the corresponding standards of TB/T2347 “High Strength Joint Bolts and Nuts for Rails”, of which 60kg/m rail joints use 10.9 high-strength joints The bolts and nuts shall be grade 10 high-strength nuts, and the washers shall be high-strength flat washers; the 50kg/m rail shall be high-strength joint bolts above grade 8.8, the nuts shall be grade 10 high-strength nuts, and the washers shall be single-layer spring washers. The gaskets for 60kg/m and 50kg/m rail joints should meet the requirements of TB/T 2348 “Elastic Locking Washers for Rail Joints”.

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