Home » Railroad Fastening Systems » Urban Transport Track Systems » China Manufacturer – Tram Rail Fastening Systems with Sleepers

China Manufacturer – Tram Rail Fastening Systems with Sleepers

Tram Track Fastening Systems with sleepers adopt universal type II elastic clips as fastening parts, universal spikes, universal casings, and gauge blocks. It can be cast on the track bed with short sleepers, long sleepers, and double-block sleepers. It can be used in special areas where construction period and precision are required. At the same time, it also has good flexibility, 20mm gauge adjustment and 20mm height adjustment can well adapt to complex line conditions and environmental requirements.

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Compared with rail transportation such as national railways and subways, trams have relatively slower speeds and lighter axle loads; the line conditions are complex, the right of way is unclear, and the radius of the tram is relatively small. Its fasteners strive to be simple, have moderate buckling pressure, good elasticity, strong adaptability, low cost, and should be versatile and interchangeable, and easy to install and maintain. And meet the requirements of insulation and vibration reduction. The AL series fasteners are developed based on the above requirements. Tram Rail Fastening Systems use general-purpose type II elastic clips as fasteners, general-purpose spikes, general-purpose casings, and gauge blocks.

Main parameters of fasteners

This series of fasteners are designed according to the laying of 59R1, 59R2, 60R1, and 60R2 series of rails, and meet the “Technical Requirements for Fastener System of Railroad Vehicles”. Design speed: not more than 70km/h, axle load: 12.5T.

  1. Gauge: 1435mm
  2. Longitudinal resistance of steel rail: Generally, the section is larger than 9kN (each group of fasteners), and the section with low resistance is the section (each group of fasteners).
  3. Node stiffness: the static stiffness of the pad under the rail is 25-40kN/mm, and the node static stiffness of the fastener system is 30±5kN/mm.
  4. Fatigue performance: The fastener system is tested in accordance with EN13146-4. After 3 million load cycles, the parts are not damaged, the gauge expansion is less than 6mm, and the buckle force change is ≤20%, and the rail longitudinal resistance change is ≤20%. The change of the static stiffness of the node is less than or equal to 25%. (Test load parameter: Pv/cosα=56kN L/V=0.50, α=26°,α=26°).
  5. Insulation resistance: The fastener system is tested in accordance with EN13146-5, and the insulation resistance between the two rails is greater than 3Ω·km, and meets the requirements of the track circuit.
  6. The impact of harsh environmental conditions: After the fastener system has been subjected to the 300h salt spray test described in EN13146-6, it can be smoothly disassembled with a manual disassembly tool.
  7. Rail left and right position adjustment: Single strand rail left and right position adjustment: -5~+5mm; Gauge adjustment: -10~+10mm, the adjustment level is 1mm.
  8. The adjustment amount of rail height: 20mm; the adjustment level is 1mm.
  9. Spring bar buckle pressure and spring range: Type II spring bar: buckle pressure is greater than 5.5kN, and the spring range is 10mm.
  10. Pull-out resistance of embedded casing: not less than 60kN.


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