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Type DJK5-1 Track Fastening Systems for Metro Rail Manufacturer

DJK5-1 Track fastening system is an elastic clip separated type, suitable for inspection pits in 50kg/m rail depots and short sleeper monolithic track beds.

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Technical indicators of DJK5-1 track rail fasteners:
(1) The fastening systems are generally for common railway way, and it has A and B elastic clips (φ13). The joint gauge pads at the rail joints use B-type spring clips, and the other parts are all A-type spring clips.
(2) The vertical static stiffness of the fastener node is 30~50kN/mm;
(3) The anti-climb resistance of a set of fasteners is not less than 11kN;
(4) The pull-out resistance of the pre-embedded nylon casing is > 60kN;
(5) The resistance values of the insulating parts are> 108Ω;
(6) There are two types of gauge pads: middle and joint;
(7) The gauge adjustment is +8, -12mm; the maximum horizontal adjustment is 30mm (10mm on the iron pad and 20mm under the iron pad).

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