Type DTVI-2 Track Fastening Systems are composed of iron base plates, tension clamps, rubber rail plates I, rubber rail plates II, gauge insulators, screw spikes,heavy spring washers and nylon sleeves. In addition, in order to adjust the height of the rail, the height adjustment pad is necessary.
Type DTVI-2 Track Fastening Systems are composed of iron base plates, tension clamps, rubber rail plates I, rubber rail plates II, gauge insulators, screw spikes, heavy spring washers and nylon sleeves. In addition, in order to adjust the height of the rail, the height adjustment pad is necessary.
Type V Track Fastening Systems for High-Speed Railway is an elastic track fastener designed to adapt to the laying of prestressed concrete ballasted tracks with shoulder sleepers and to meet the technical requirements of the passenger dedicated line fastener system.
V Rail Fastening Systems for High-Speed Railway is an elastic track fastener designed to adapt to the laying of prestressed concrete ballasted tracks with shoulder sleepers and to meet the technical requirements of the passenger dedicated line fastener system.
The Type V track fastening system is an elastic track fastener designed to adapt to the laying of prestressed concrete ballasted tracks with shoulder sleepers and to meet the technical requirements of the passenger dedicated line fastener system.
WJ-7 Rail Fastening Systems (WJ-7 Rail Fasteners) for High-Speed Railway is a type of ballastless track fastener system developed to meet the technical requirements of the passenger dedicated line fastener system for laying all kinds of non-shoulderless ballastless tracks. It is based on the original WJ-1 and WJ-2 Track Fastening Systems optimized on the basis of ballastless track fastener system.
WJ-7 Track Fastening Systems(WJ-7 Rail Fasteners) for High-Speed Railway is a type of ballastless track fastener system developed to meet the technical requirements of the passenger dedicated line fastener system for laying all kinds of non-shoulderless ballastless tracks. It is based on the original WJ-1 and WJ-2 Track Fastening Systems optimized on the basis of ballastless track fastener system.
WJ-7 Railroad Rail Fastening Systems(WJ-7 Rail Fasteners) is a type of ballastless track fastener system developed to meet the technical requirements of the passenger dedicated line fastener system for laying all kinds of non-shoulderless ballastless tracks. It is based on the original WJ-1 and WJ-2 Track Fastening Systems optimized on the basis of ballastless track fastener system.
WJ-7 Track Fastening Systems is a type of ballastless track fastener system developed to meet the technical requirements of the passenger dedicated line fastener system for laying all kinds of non-shoulderless ballastless tracks. It is based on the original WJ-1 and WJ-2 Track Fastening Systems optimized on the basis of ballastless track fastener system.
WJ-8 Rail Fastening Systems is a kind of rail fastener for high-speed railway, which is composed of screw spikes, flat washers, rail clips, insulators, gauge baffles, under-rail pads, base plates, resilient pads, nylon dowels, etc.
WJ-8 Track Fastening Systems is a kind of rail fastener for high-speed railway, which is composed of screw spikes, flat washers, rail clips, insulators, gauge baffles, under-rail pads, base plates, resilient pads, nylon dowels, etc.
Type III Track Fastening Systems are rail fasteners without bolts and shoulders. Fasteners without bolts and shoulders are the development trend of sleeper fasteners all over the world and are especially suitable for heavy-load, large-volume, and high-density transportation conditions.
Type II rail fastening systems are suitable for connecting 60kg/m steel rails and prestressed concrete sleepers, prestressed wide concrete sleepers, and monolithic track beds on straight lines of standard gauge railways and lines with a radius of R≥300m.